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Long Beach, CA

When I Cannot Find the Start of the Toilet Paper

This morning’s reminder of my humanity is that
I can deal with the diseases of my friends
And I can ignore for the moment the reports of famine
And the fires clouding the horizon

But on my way to face the day, I could not find the start of the damned toilet paper, 
And I sat endlessly spinning the roll while my fingers found no purchase
Until cursing, I cried out 

I can, it seems, make peace with the things I cannot control nor understand
I can ignore them in the hope I can implore from reality some other kind hand, a friend
But when those things close to me go awry, I am reminded
Just how long the slope up is
And how powerless we are
And how far we fall 

Still, just beyond the bend, how beautiful the hope is
How perfect the laughter after a well-timed curse 
And the mirth when we can shake our heads
Our desire knowing, always, just how things should be
With fingers who so easily want to find just what they are looking for
And feel, even still, somehow
That this remains their destiny 

For more poetry, click here.