Give Thanks for the Ones You Get
There was a tree, pure and perfect
Yellow in its autumn leaves
On our way to Capital Reef
Beneath a black butte, in southern Utah
But I could not stop the car
Because there are time when the clock will not allow it
Or the following truck disavows it
Or my children in the back cannot be asked to stop again
So, we pass the bend, as my mind spins, lungs sighing
A sort of loss like dying
The tree so quickly passing, becoming
Yet another point of mourning
On that perfect morning, bathed as it was in blue
So, too, there was light shining through the woods outside Yosemite
But my baby was crying and, as first things are always first, I kept on driving
Just as the mountain preened in the morning light, like a kingfisher catching flight
As everything sang to life around us
The ridge became another photo never taken
Like the spray of heather by the river, in the sunset
Or the geese overhead
Because the road, my bladder, the watch,
Keeping pace in a procession
Said, “No…it’s time to go"
You must simply give thanks:
Give thanks for the ones you get, and the others, let go, with gratitude
Say "thank you," and try to stamp them on your soul,
Those miracles
Let your eyes linger and engender hope
Pretend you might return (knowing you won’t)
But even so, know that it's right to go
With a smile, because you got to see it
You saw it, now let it go
And above all,
Give thanks that autumn unyielding, in unending pictures
Will always bend more photos towards you than you could hold
Blowing down like a house of cards
Any thought that we can carry the weight of gold
After all
The mountain will still be there
And God's gifts are older than the mountains
Made new each morning
For eyes made hopeful
For hands held open
For any open, trusting soul
For more poetry, click here.