My wife's professor asked her class for "the opposite of beauty"
And what came to mind for most (and me, as well) was “ugliness"
But “No," the sage said
"Ugliness still points to what it’s not—
The absence of what we long for
Points still to something lovely, even by its absence"
The class rocked back, as she leaned in
"The opposite of beauty," she said (no doubt in that professorial tone
that knows a secret but plays it straight, proud but humble, crowned with grace)
"The opposite of beauty is glamour
Glamour points to itself, but beauty...
Beauty is a signpost to something else”
"That sounds clever," I said as we drove on, sitting in this little story,
And as my wife explained it to me, I remembered the figures which danced before me in Mexico, in a strange show
All covered in swaths of lipstick, like warriors sick with paint,
Desperately clawing at one another, gripping flesh, the letting in of a wind that could not cool
And I felt again the sad song of how pathetic all that gripping was
Not young men and women standing in the river of desire, breaking the straight-jacket
With the courage to say, “Here I am”
(Which is the most beautiful, being seen without fear
Being here
To truly touch and hold and feel)
But rather a thick crowd saying “Here I am not,
But it will feel for a moment we are all in this together, and so…close enough”
The promise of good looks and money and flesh
All enflamed to pass a torch across so many lips
Was glamorous and gaudy and awful, like a bad dream
A journey leading anywhere but home
A touch so far from being touched
A truth so far away from true
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