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Long Beach, CA

Now All the Words About God Become Smaller

Now all the words about God become smaller

They shrink away like the edge of day 
To a point on the horizon, 
They fade away

I want to hide them, like treasures in a cupboard, that no eye despise them,
Trusting the right time again to find them
I want to secret them away
Until that day

I want to hide them like my own nakedness, truth be told,
But not for shame 
Because, rather: preciousness is made profane
In the plethora of many voices, all around,
Proclaiming the way of God with endless sound
As if we should put up a sign and charge $29.99 
To sneak a peak at the Divine

And all these “prophets” speak with such rabid certainty,
As if their faith is doubtless
When we know
That great souls reveal the hidden path, covered in dust,
Only through great doubt, 
And the great cloud of unknowing 
Through which all saints must pass

Only in unknowing can you walk a path of trust, 
Faith demands not knowing, and the courage that says, 
"Still, I'll go"

Faith speaks with a still and quiet voice
Faith seldom roars 
Faith often smiles with subtle mirth,
Like Mona Lisa,
While speaking not a word

For more poetry, click here.