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Long Beach, CA

To Sit Like a God and Create III

Poetry Blog

To Sit Like a God and Create III

Brandon Cook

On the way here, to this mountain
I stopped and snapped photos
Like a poet feeling the frustration of words that can never capture
The perfect frustration of heart
The lens is a pitiful genie
Granting not even half a wish

But soon I will sit in the afternoon light,
Like a god,
I will read and take in knowledge
Like sipping from an ocean
And I will put into some symmetry a thought on paper
And marvel
At how so much longing can be commanded into shape

That we can create worlds
Before the long night comes
Can unpack and order a suitcase
Can order the spaces between letters
To make words
To try to shape into form
The love inside us
So that everything finds its place
Before it slips away
Wondering how it is that the night can silence the bird’s warble
Wondering how such feeble gods hold such longing
While the horizon looks for a lantern moving through the woods
Feet coming through a dark forest with good news
And light that says all is well
And all will be very well